Possible Book Style

An idea for the name of the book is 'Heads Shoulders Knee's and Toes', I think it fits quite well for what the book would be showing.

An insight to the introduction.

This is how a 2 page spread of the book would be laid out, some type on the left coming from the person being photographed about how they feel on the subject. The page on the right is the image of them, as you can see a cut has been made along the page just under the neck, letting you fold to the next page and either keeping the same face, or changing the outfit the the next person.

This is an example of showing how the folds work: here is an image of a whole person ...

... and here is an image of how it would look after the fold has been made, changing the subjects head to fot to a different outfit.


This is just a rough copy of what the outcome could look like, I just like to see the ideas visually sometimes to see what I can work with.

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